Rob Schall wrote:> Here's what I'm looking to do....
> exten => 10,1,Dial(SIP/1000&SIP/1001,15,wW)
> exten => 10,2,Voicemail(u1000)
> This should ring both phones and they should keep ringing for the
> alloted time before moving on. However, it appears that if one of the
> phones is Busy, it returns with a busy and moves on without really
> ringing the second phone.
> Short of checking if the channels are available or using a queue, is
> there a way to ignore the return value and just make it ring for 10
> seconds and then move on to the second step?
> Any Suggestions?
It should work the way you expect it to work. We would really have to
see the CLI output of the failure. Also remove the ,wW while testing.