Hi Tim -
> I'm new to this list. For the last couple of days I was searching for
> a good solution using AsteriskNOW. I noticed that in the configuration
> steps of the server, they asked for a service provider. We don't
> really need one.
> We had something in mind like installing two Asterisk servers and make
> a connection between them. It's just to connect two buildings. Would
> this be a right approach? And when this is done, the one server could
> be used as a service provider (SIP server) for the other one and vice
> versa?
Yep, you can definitely do that with Asterisk(NOW). Unless you have
other plans for voicemail, meetme conferences, or other fancy asterisk
things, it might be a little overkill, though. You could also do the
same thing without asterisk using sip clients connecting direct to one
As far as the AsteriskNOW setup: You could put in dummy values for the
provider, and figure out your site to site connection settings later.
- Noah