I bought a MV-372 for 2 SIM cards as the one channel model seems to work well (see http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Setup+MV-370+GSM+Gateway+with+Asterisk). The setup is such: --------- Inet --> VoIP provider ---> POTS | | (iax2, NAT) | asterisk (on abox with iptables fw) | (SIP, LAN) |----------> SNOM190 phones | ----------> SIP-GSM-module ---> SIM cards --> mobile phone networks Sound, however, is too bad for the SIP to GSM module to be usable. Call initiation from the LAN to the GSM network works but the audio stream stops and continues for about 1 to 3 seconds each, irregularly alternating between various durations of both states. Latency is around 300ms for the module which registers as a SIP extension. The machine is a PII with a 400MHz Celeron. Transmission is via the alaw codec, as recommended. The "RTP Packet Length" setting for the GSM module is 20ms. Do any of you have suspicions why the module does not work as expected? (The vendor has not yet answered yet but it's weekend in Taiwan as well). Perhaps the GSM-module firmware is not up to par, and/or the SNOM doesn't cooperate well in the bridged connection. --AvH --------------------------------------- from sip.conf: [general] port=5060 externip= bindaddr=123.456.789.220 localnet=123.456.789.0 defaultexpirey=120 maxexpirey=3600 context=internal disallow=all allow=alaw language=de canreinvite=no [GSM] type=friend host=dynamic defaultip=123.456.789.222 secret=xxxxxxx qualify=yes username=xx fromuser=xx context=gateway call-limit=2 dtmfmode=inband allow=alaw insecure=very [SNOM190] [3] type=friend host=dynamic defaultip=123.456.789.221 secret=xxxxxx qualify=yes I've tried nat=yes and no canreinvite=yes as well qualify on and off in both clients