On Mon, 8 Jan 2007, Rajkumar S wrote:
> Hi,
> This is slightly off topic, but here I go any way...
> VoIP traffic has lot's of smaller packets, and since each packet can
> generate an interrupt, is there any way to determine the irq rates in
> a machine, and more importantly to know if I am hitting any of the
> limits in Linux or to determine how much interrupts per second can my
> box handle ?
> There seems to absolutely no information about his particular metric any
> where..
watch -n1 cat /proc/interrupts
That'll give you the basic counters, but to generate graphs, etc. you'll
need to use something else. Maybe MRTG.
As to what the limits are , I've no idea - a lot will depend on your
hardware, cpu, kernel compile options and so on.
You may want to know how many packets a second that can pas through an
interface - that may be more informative than interrupts though. You can
query packets per second via SNMP or simple using ifconfig and looking at
the numbers.