Hi all!! I've made some changes to the applications that Astertest was using to monitor the performance of the server. Now is also possible to track the bandwidth usage of the server, this has nothing to do with the executable (astertest.exe) itself but with the events that the Asterisk Manager generates. The method described in: http://www.asteriskguru.com/tutorials/astertest.html to perform the test is still valid. In the next days I am gonna make available some scripts to originate the calls and to make some graphs of the test, just like astertest does ;) You can find the sources here: http://toofic.no-ip.org/pub/src/app_securax.tar.gz I've compiled them against Asterisk, but I think there should not be problems with other versions. I hope someone could find it useful. -- Grettings, V?ctor Toofic