Hi, Well, I have a big problem with Asterisk, my problem is that when I'm in a conversation, using zap channels, in a moment the line has a interferce that produce a sound in the conversation, this sound is a electratical sound I think, I was reading about that and I found that the utility fxotune can help me to change some settings about the audio and the supression of interferences. My problem is that fxotuno does not work, I execute this script like that: #./fxotune -i 4 The output of this command is: /dev/zap/1 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/2 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/3 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/4 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/5 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/6 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/7 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/8 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/9 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/10 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/11 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/12 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/13 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/14 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/15 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/16 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/17 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/18 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/19 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/20 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/21 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/22 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/23 absent: No such device or address /dev/zap/24 absent: No such device or address ... Reading the source code I found that this error is produced with system call O_RDWR. My system is running Asterisk@Home 2.5 with Astersk 1.2.4 and Zaptel 1.2.5 compiled, with a Digium Wildcard TDM2400P with 24 FXO Modules. I don't understand why fxotune can found /dev/zap/ devices. I hope that someone can help me. Thanks for yor help, Roly Morales