I see these from time to time, I think it means that packets got lost,
or received out of sequence. It looks to me like asterisk manages to
deal with this, so unless your calls have also stopped working, I
wouldn't worry. (If we should be worrying, I expect someone will let us
mkumar@mantragroup.com wrote:> Hi All,
> I installed Asterisk recently and it was working from 2 weeks without a
> until today. Today it started showing strange error
> Feb 28 03:14:08 WARNING[31430]: chan_sip.c:4826 check_auth: Stale nonce
> from '<sip:18006733555@mantragroup.com>'
> Whatever number I call it displays this, please tell how can I fix this? I
> no idea what is happening and the cause of this error?