You could give each of your users a 'home' asterisk machine by an
extension numbering convention and route voicemail based on their
number. It would mean that voicemail messages won't be able to be
forwarded to a user homed on another machine though I would imagine. We
went for a centralised system, you can setup redundancy still, then
script a reconciliation when the primary machine comes back.
Joe Pukepail wrote:
> Is there a way to network the asterisk voicemail system between
> offices? We would like the ability to forward a voicemail to another
> user at a branch office (each office would have their own asterisk
> server connected via iax), I guess I would prefer not to use one
> central server for voicemail for redudancy and disaster recovery, but
> I guess I'll have to if others have gone this way and I don't have
> other choice.
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