I just released ruby-agi-1.1.0 Here is the release notes: addition of method 'jump_to' jump_to would take three arguments ex. jump_to(context, extension, priority) enhanced callerid, calleridname and calleridnumber. calleridnumber is an addtional method to this release. Regardless of Asterisk version above three caller methods would return uniform value. Such as, callerid would return "John Smith" <1234567890> or empty string, if unidentified calleridnumber would return number part of callerid (as string) ex. 1234567890 or empty string, if unidentified calleridname would return name part of callerid ex. John Smith or emtpy string, if unidentified To install ruby-agi via gem % gem install ruby-agi or, to update % gem update ruby-agi Please feel free to submit bug report, feature request at info <AT> beeplove <DOT> com Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Thanks, Mohammad Khan