Hello List,
I'm trying to get a PrimuX Card (primuxisdn.de) working. The
Manufacturer says that chan_capi (the older one) used to work.
Now I'm trying with chan_capi-cm and have got the following problems:
Outgoing calls "ausgehend_ueber_ntba_primux.txt" the other phone rings
but when I answer the call asterisk crashes.
Incoming: first tried with immediate=no
"eingehend_von_ntba_primux_immediate_no.txt". This seems to be the
behaviour as someone on this list had this week. So I tried with
immediate=yes "eingehend_von_ntba_primux.txt". There is no ringing on
sip phone and chan-capi-cm says capicard_primux_2_1: too much voice to
send for NCCI=0x10101
Any hints?
Thanks in advance
Christian Peter
-------------- next part --------------
-- Executing SetCallerID("SIP/10-dec7", "10 <10>")
in new stack
-- Executing Goto("SIP/10-dec7",
"pbx_incoming_ip_telefon_1_autocontext_2|BYEXTENSION|1") in new stack
-- Goto (pbx_incoming_ip_telefon_1_autocontext_2,88017129478262,1)
-- Executing SetMusicOnHold("SIP/10-dec7", "standard")
in new stack
-- Executing SetCallerID("SIP/10-dec7", "309874") in new
-- Executing Dial("SIP/10-dec7",
"CAPI/capicard_primux_2_1/017129478262|30|Tt") in new stack
> data = capicard_primux_2_1/017129478262
> parsed dialstring: 'capicard_primux_2_1' 'NULL'
'017129478262' ''
> capi request for interface 'capicard_primux_2_1'
> parsed dialstring: 'capicard_primux_2_1' 'NULL'
'017129478262' ''
== capicard_primux_2_1: Call CAPI/capicard_primux_2_1/017129478262-2
(pres=0x00, ton=0x00)
CONNECT_CONF ID=001 #0x0008 LEN=0014
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
Info = 0x0
-- capicard_primux_2_1: received CONNECT_CONF PLCI = 0x101
CONNECT_REQ ID=001 #0x0008 LEN=0058
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x1
CIPValue = 0x10
CalledPartyNumber = <80>017129478262
CallingPartyNumber = <00 80>309874
CalledPartySubaddress = default
CallingPartySubaddress = default
B1protocol = 0x1
B2protocol = 0x1
B3protocol = 0x0
B1configuration = default
B2configuration = default
B3configuration = default
BC = default
LLC = default
HLC = default
BChannelinformation = <00 00>
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
-- Called capicard_primux_2_1/017129478262
CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND ID=001 #0x8002 LEN=0027
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
ConnectedNumber = <21 83>1795378374
ConnectedSubaddress = default
LLC = default
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
CONNECT_B3_REQ ID=001 #0x0009 LEN=0013
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
NCPI = default
-- capicard_primux_2_1: sent CONNECT_B3_REQ PLCI=0x101
CONNECT_B3_CONF ID=001 #0x0009 LEN=0014
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Info = 0x0
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND ID=001 #0x8003 LEN=0013
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP ID=001 #0x8003 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
-- CAPI/capicard_primux_2_1/017129478262-2 answered SIP/10-dec7
DATA_B3_IND ID=001 #0x8004 LEN=0022
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Data32 = 0xb75131b8
DataLength = 0xa0
DataHandle = 0x0
Flags = 0x0
Data64 = 0xaaababababaa2aab
Disconnected from Asterisk server
Executing last minute cleanups
-------------- next part --------------
CONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x8000 LEN=0044
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
CIPValue = 0x1
CalledPartyNumber = <c1>309874
CallingPartyNumber = <00 a3>
CalledPartySubaddress = default
CallingPartySubaddress = default
BC = <80 90 a3>
LLC = default
HLC = default
BChannelinformation = <00 00>
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
-- CONNECT_IND (PLCI=0x101,DID=309874,CID=,CIP=0x1,CONTROLLER=0x1)
> capicard_primux_2_1: msn='309874' DNID='309874' MSN
== capicard_primux_2_1: Incoming call '' -> '309874'
DISCONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x8001 LEN=0014
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
Reason = 0x0
DISCONNECT_RESP ID=001 #0x8001 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
-- capicard_primux_2_1: DISCONNECT_IND on incoming without pbx, doing
== capicard_primux_2_1: CAPI Hangingup
== capicard_primux_2_1: Interface cleanup PLCI=0x101
-------------- next part --------------
CONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x8000 LEN=0044
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
CIPValue = 0x1
CalledPartyNumber = <c1>309874
CallingPartyNumber = <00 a3>
CalledPartySubaddress = default
CallingPartySubaddress = default
BC = <80 90 a3>
LLC = default
HLC = default
BChannelinformation = <00 00>
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
-- CONNECT_IND (PLCI=0x101,DID=309874,CID=,CIP=0x1,CONTROLLER=0x1)
> capicard_primux_2_1: msn='309874' DNID='309874' MSN
== capicard_primux_2_1: Incoming call '' -> '309874'
-- capicard_primux_2_1: CAPI/capicard_primux_2_1/309874-0: 309874 matches
in context pbx_incoming_primux_2_1
== Started pbx on channel CAPI/capicard_primux_2_1/309874-0
-- Executing SetMusicOnHold("CAPI/capicard_primux_2_1/309874-0",
"standard") in new stack
-- Executing Dial("CAPI/capicard_primux_2_1/309874-0",
"SIP/10&SIP/11|30|Tt") in new stack
-- Called 10
Jan 11 23:05:32 NOTICE[16879]: app_dial.c:764 dial_exec: Unable to create
channel of type 'SIP'
-- SIP/10-bbd1 is ringing
== capicard_primux_2_1: Requested RINGING-Indication for
ALERT_CONF ID=001 #0x0004 LEN=0014
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
Info = 0x0
ALERT_REQ ID=001 #0x0004 LEN=0017
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
BChannelinformation = default
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
== capicard_primux_2_1: Answering for 309874
CONNECT_RESP ID=001 #0x8000 LEN=0040
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
Reject = 0x0
B1protocol = 0x1
B2protocol = 0x1
B3protocol = 0x0
B1configuration = default
B2configuration = default
B3configuration = default
ConnectedNumber = <00 80>309874
ConnectedSubaddress = default
LLC = default
BChannelinformation = default
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND ID=001 #0x8001 LEN=0015
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
ConnectedNumber = default
ConnectedSubaddress = default
LLC = default
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
CONNECT_B3_IND ID=001 #0x8002 LEN=0013
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_RESP ID=001 #0x8002 LEN=0015
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Reject = 0x0
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND ID=001 #0x8003 LEN=0013
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP ID=001 #0x8003 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
> capicard_primux_2_1: too much voice to send for NCCI=0x10101
DATA_B3_IND ID=001 #0x8004 LEN=0022
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Data32 = 0xb75861b8
DataLength = 0xa0
DataHandle = 0x0
Flags = 0x0
Data64 = 0x3bcb3b6b2a4a7afa
Speicherzugriffsfehler (core dumped)