Hello and thanks for your advise, time, and help!!! :) :) Digium itemizes the following Linux type systems for use with Asterisk and TDM cards: Red Hat 8.0+ or Fedora Debian (2.4 or greater) Gentoo I was a user of BellLabs Unix a long time ago (~1985), but I consider myself now as a newbie. From what I have read it appears over these years Linux has evolved and is generally the same type Op Sys with the major idea being the GNU concept. For the few utilities I can remember in Unix that I see in the above documentation of Linux, they are described the same as I can remember in the BellLabs Unix. As a result I would think that any of the offerings of Linux above would be suitable for a newbie to pick up where the Unix System was left. Plus, as these relate to the Digium "Linux Distributions Supported". Is this reasonably close to the concept of Linux? Thanks for any comments, your help, and time!!! Jerry Move to folder: INBOX SentMail ssh_erdelynet Trash Message: 1 of 316 < Previous | Next >