On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 09:35:12AM -0800, Robert Goodyear
wrote:> Has anyone ever seen Asterisk fail to parse files referenced by an
> #include by a *.conf command?
> e.g.:
> #include /etc/asterisk/sip-phones.d/*.conf
This does not work in current stable. IIRC it does work in current HEAD.
However it is part of the Xorcom Rapid package (and not part of the
Debian package)
> Where the dir sip-phones.d contains sip extension conf files.
> This worked fine for nearly a month and then mysteriously stopped
> working for me last night!
Two options:
a. A number of versions have missed the inclusion of that patch. Latest
version should work (asterisk 1.0.5-1.7) .
b. If you use both xorcom and standard debian testing package, you may
be using their package.
In any case, what version exactly is your asterisk package?
dpkg -l asterisk
System information -> Package versions
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