a_c1@mail. com
2005-Jan-28 14:22 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] ANNOUNCEMENT : NEW CallingCard ApplicationforAst erisk
Excellent work! Thanks a lot ------------------------------------- Hello everyone, If you want to know why I am so tired today :D Check this CallingCard Solution : http://areski.net/areskicc-doc/ Just finish it yesterday night! Briefly, AreskiCC is an AGI script and PHP-Web application which greatly handle the complete CallingCard System. FEATURES - AGI : * Authenticate with the use of a Cardnumber the Cardnumber can also be defined as accountcode into sip.conf, iax.conf, etc.. * take care of multiple calls using the same Cardnumber * Caller gets informed about his credit Announce the remaining credit * Caller is requested to enter a destination number * Announce the maximal call time for the given destination number It calculates the remaining duration of the actual call (based on tariffrate tables), informs the caller about this and sets a timeout * Interupt the call if the card balance gets zero Warn the caller about the call interupt 60 & 30 seconds before the call gets interupted * It connects the Caller to the destination through the configured trunk note : different trunks can be configured and associated by prefix * After disconnecting the call AGI updates the credit and stores the concerning Call-Detail-Records with CallingPartyNumber, CalledPartyNumber, CallSetupTime, Duration, Charge and the remaining credit FEATURES - WEB INTERFACE: * CARD/CUSTOMERS * List customers * Refill customer * CARD/CUSTOMERS * List customers/cards * Refill customer/card * Create customer/card * Generate customers/cards * BILLING * View money situation * View Payment * Add new Payment * RATECARD * List Tariffplan * Create new Tariffplan * Define Tariffplan * TRUNK * List Trunk * Add Trunk * CALL REPORT - BALANCE Last note : It's distributed under GNU GPL Licence. I hope there will have a big interest for the soft, I am waiting your feedbacks... Regards, /Areski -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com http://promo.mail.com/adsfreejump.htm