>From my (fairly limited) understanding, I think the fundamental
difference is that Asterisk is a pbx (offering all the features
associated with a pbx, voicemail, call transfer, call detail
recording etc) whereas SER is just a sip proxy (albeit a good one).
Therefore Asterisk deals in terms of phones extensions whereas if you
want a system that can contact clients with sip urls, ser will have
to be set up. Also the audio i.e. rtp stream, traverses asterisk i.e.
it acts as a middle man holding onto the call, and if you want the
audio to go peer to peer (which it ideally should with sip), ser is
also needed.
---- Original Message ----
From: vicky@freebsdcluster.net
To: asterisk-users@lists.digium.com
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] SER vs Asterisk for SIP
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:50:39 +0100
>Why is SER considered a better SIPserver than asterisk , why is it
>that SER
>can handle more clients than asterisk can. And if this is just cause
>of say
>poor SIP handling code in asterisk then is there anything being done
>to fix
>it. Just wanted to know why SER claims to be better than asterisk as
>a SIP
>server. ?
>Vikram (vicramresearch.com)
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