Luis Amado Vargas (ATIQRO)
2004-Nov-30 10:52 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] Pls help me i can't send a voicemail by sendmail
Pls. Help me ... i try to send voicemial by sendmail and nothing. i need the parameters for the and voicemail.conf, this machine is behind of router, he has a local ip Thks
Julio Tejera
2004-Nov-30 11:00 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] Pls help me i can't send a voicemail by sendmail
----- Original Message ----- From: "Luis Amado Vargas (ATIQRO)" <> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:52 AM Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Pls help me i can't send a voicemail by sendmail> Pls. > > Help me ... i try to send voicemial by sendmail and nothing. > > i need the parameters for the and voicemail.conf, thismachine> is behind of router, he has a local ip > > Thks >You have to be more exactly on what the problem is.. Eg: - Is * on the same server than sendmail or your MTA ? - Are you able to send "normal" mails to/from your domain ? - Are you able to use your mail server as a relay from the same network segment where * is ? Give us your voicemail.conf, extensions.conf, etc HTH ------- Ing. Julio Alvarez Tejera Unix Trends *BSD, Solaris & Linux --------------- "extremely stable systems"