Hello, After poking and prodding at Asterisk and Zaptel for over a couple years now, I've dedicated some time to actually reading the code and trying to figure it out. It's been fascinating. With the driver source on one part of the screen and a pdf of "Linux Device Drivers" on another part I've aquainted myself with device driver programming and the interesting hardware on the wildcards. I've always thought Asterisk and Zaptel were two of the coolest FOSS projects around and now that I've spelunked through the code a little bit I'm curious: Has anyone ever wrote a zaptel "under the hood" type of document, discussing how the pseudo tdm bus works, the zaptel hardware, etc? If so, please point me there. If not, I'd like to take a stab at compiling a paper or article about zaptel for a general audience, technically inclined but not hard core technical, i.e. people like me who have used asterisk but always wondered how it worked down to the hardware, spans, channels, chunks, samples level. Some help from the community of course would be great, perhaps through using a blog or wiki. Once the zaptel "dragon" is dispatched, I'd then focus on Asterisk. What do you all think? Regards, Victor
Vikram Rangnekar
2004-Sep-06 22:14 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] Re: Zaptel 'Under the Hood' Project
+++ Victor Rini [06/09/04 18:12 -0700]:> Hello, > > After poking and prodding at Asterisk and Zaptel for over a couple years > now, I've dedicated some time to actually reading the code and trying to > figure it out. > > It's been fascinating. With the driver source on one part of the screen > and a pdf of "Linux Device Drivers" on another part I've aquainted > myself with device driver programming and the interesting hardware on > the wildcards. I've always thought Asterisk and Zaptel were two of the > coolest FOSS projects around and now that I've > spelunked through the code a little bit I'm curious: > > Has anyone ever wrote a zaptel "under the hood" type of document, > discussing how the pseudo tdm bus works, the zaptel hardware, etc? If > so, please point me there. > > If not, I'd like to take a stab at compiling a paper or article about > zaptel for a general audience, technically inclined but not hard core > technical, i.e. people like me who > have used asterisk but always wondered how it worked down to the > hardware, spans, channels, chunks, samples level. Some help from the > community of course would > be great, perhaps through using a blog or wiki. > > Once the zaptel "dragon" is dispatched, I'd then focus on Asterisk. > > What do you all think? > > Regards, > Victor > _______________________________________________ > Asterisk-Users mailing list > Asterisk-Users@lists.digium.com > http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users > To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: > http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-usersSounds extemly intresting maybe you should go right ahead and write a page on that. -- regards Vikram (http://www.vicramresearch.com)
Victor Rini wrote:> Hello, > > After poking and prodding at Asterisk and Zaptel for over a couple > years now, I've dedicated some time to actually reading the code and > trying to figure it out. > > It's been fascinating. With the driver source on one part of the > screen and a pdf of "Linux Device Drivers" on another part I've > aquainted myself with device driver programming and the interesting > hardware on the wildcards. I've always thought Asterisk and Zaptel > were two of the coolest FOSS projects around and now that I've > spelunked through the code a little bit I'm curious: > > Has anyone ever wrote a zaptel "under the hood" type of document, > discussing how the pseudo tdm bus works, the zaptel hardware, etc? If > so, please point me there. > > If not, I'd like to take a stab at compiling a paper or article about > zaptel for a general audience, technically inclined but not hard core > technical, i.e. people like me who > have used asterisk but always wondered how it worked down to the > hardware, spans, channels, chunks, samples level. Some help from the > community of course would > be great, perhaps through using a blog or wiki. > > Once the zaptel "dragon" is dispatched, I'd then focus on Asterisk. > > What do you all think? > > Regards, > Victor > _______________________________________________ > Asterisk-Users mailing list > Asterisk-Users@lists.digium.com > http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users > To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: > http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-usersI can't speak for anyone else, but I sure as hell would be interested in such a document. I don't think it would even just be for the "technically inclined but not hard core technical" guys either. I consider myself pretty "hard core" but I just don't have the time to sit down and learn about how it all works on the inside. There's just too many other projects that need to be done. So in my opinion, a document that just lays it out in plain english would save me a heck load of time and allow me to learn about something that I unfortunately just don't have the time (or motivation) to figure out for myself and therefore probably wouldn't end up learning about otherwise. :) My 2c. Jamie
Tony Mountifield
2004-Sep-07 00:59 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] Re: Zaptel 'Under the Hood' Project
In article <413D0AE8.9050703@comcast.net>, Victor Rini <victor-rini@comcast.net> wrote:> Hello, > > After poking and prodding at Asterisk and Zaptel for over a couple years > now, I've dedicated some time to actually reading the code and trying to > figure it out. > > It's been fascinating. With the driver source on one part of the screen > and a pdf of "Linux Device Drivers" on another part I've aquainted > myself with device driver programming and the interesting hardware on > the wildcards. I've always thought Asterisk and Zaptel were two of the > coolest FOSS projects around and now that I've > spelunked through the code a little bit I'm curious: > > Has anyone ever wrote a zaptel "under the hood" type of document, > discussing how the pseudo tdm bus works, the zaptel hardware, etc? If > so, please point me there.I don't know, but in case you hadn't already found it, there is some interesting information at http://www.zapatatelephony.org/ You have to explore the links several deep to get at some of the useful nuggets, such as the conferencing architecture. It's all a little out of date, but mostly still applicable. Cheers Tony -- Tony Mountifield Work: tony@softins.co.uk - http://www.softins.co.uk Play: tony@mountifield.org - http://tony.mountifield.org
Victor... You Go Boy!!! I think many of us, me at least, would welcome some doc on the underpinnings of Zap and friends. I'll be happy to be a "second set of eyes" to help edit such a document. Jon ----- Original Message ----- From: "Victor Rini" <victor-rini@comcast.net> To: <asterisk-users@lists.digium.com> Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 9:12 PM Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Zaptel 'Under the Hood' Project> Hello, > > After poking and prodding at Asterisk and Zaptel for over a couple years > now, I've dedicated some time to actually reading the code and trying to > figure it out. > > It's been fascinating. With the driver source on one part of the screen > and a pdf of "Linux Device Drivers" on another part I've aquainted > myself with device driver programming and the interesting hardware on > the wildcards. I've always thought Asterisk and Zaptel were two of the > coolest FOSS projects around and now that I've > spelunked through the code a little bit I'm curious: > > Has anyone ever wrote a zaptel "under the hood" type of document, > discussing how the pseudo tdm bus works, the zaptel hardware, etc? If > so, please point me there. > > If not, I'd like to take a stab at compiling a paper or article about > zaptel for a general audience, technically inclined but not hard core > technical, i.e. people like me who > have used asterisk but always wondered how it worked down to the > hardware, spans, channels, chunks, samples level. Some help from the > community of course would > be great, perhaps through using a blog or wiki. > > Once the zaptel "dragon" is dispatched, I'd then focus on Asterisk. > > What do you all think? > > Regards, > Victor > _______________________________________________ > Asterisk-Users mailing list > Asterisk-Users@lists.digium.com > http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users > To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: > http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users >
Hello Everyone, The blog for the project is up and has a couple of posts. Haloscan commenting is enabled. I've included a site feed but I'm a little unsure about it. See http://zapteldoc.blogspot.com. Regards, Victor
Hello All, I've got a new post up on the blog. I would have had it up sooner but blogspot was having trouble. I even included neat graphic! Check it out: http://zapteldoc.blogspot.com By the way someone mentioned that my choice of color scheme wasn't optimal so to speak - i.e. lacked contrast. I'm not a web designer so I was inclined to go with one of blogspot's limited theme choices. If anyone has a preference of blogspot theme or can give a succint set of instructions on manipulating the current theme - please let me know. I'll defer to your judgement. Regards, Victor
Greetings All, I have a new post on the blog. It goes a little bit more in depth on wcfxo.c and touches on zaptel.c. Two more screen shots. Loads of fun. Take a look: http://zapteldoc.blogspot.com Regards, Victor
2004-Sep-10 00:27 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] Zaptel 'Under the Hood' Project
On 9 Sep 2004 at 23:24, Victor Rini wrote:> Greetings All, > > I have a new post on the blog. It goes a little bit more in depth on > wcfxo.c and touches on zaptel.c. Two more screen shots. Loads of fun. > > Take a look: http://zapteldoc.blogspot.com > > Regards, > VictorKeep up the good work! And sage for firefox reads your site feed great! Cheers, Matt Riddell http://www.sineapps.com
Sergio Serrano
2004-Sep-10 00:34 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] Chan zap not loaded(ast_pickup_call)
Hi all I have installed an E100P. I have loaded zaptel and wct1xxp. My zaptel.conf is the next: span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4,yellow bchan=1-15,17-31 dchan=16 loadzone=es defaultzone=es My zapata.conf is the next: [channels] switchtype = euroisdn language=es signalling = pri_cpe pridialplan = local prilocaldialplan = local echocancel = yes context = default group=1 channel => 1-15,17-31 When I start asterisk it says: [chan_zap.so]Sep 10 09:22:09 WARNING[1076253312]: loader.c:242 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_zap.so: undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call Sep 10 09:22:09 WARNING[1076253312]: loader.c:374 load_modules: Loading module chan_zap.so failed! Any idea? Regards, srsergio