I have * working with a 4x4. The only difference I can see is that you
don't have a secret configured. You might try that and see if it makes a
difference. BTW, don't even think of putting the 4x4 behind a NAT server.
It won't work.
Bruce Komito
High Sierra Networks, Inc.
(775) 236-5815
On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Mike Roberts wrote:
> Is anyone successfully using one of these with Asterisk? I cannot get the
> phone to register, this message keeps coming up on the Asterisk console:
> Jul 29 14:11:39 NOTICE[1125350192]: chan_sip.c:7323 handle_request:
> Registration from '"000BEA801CA6"
<sip:000BEA801CA6@hcs.net:5060>' failed
> for ''
> The telephone LCD says "SIP registation rejected".
> My sip.conf file looks like this for the ZIP 4x4
> [2153]
> type=friend ; either "friend" (peer+user),
"peer" or
> "user"
> context=sip-phones
> username=000BEA801CA6 ; usually matches the [section] title
> callerid=Zultys <2153>
> host=dynamic ; we have a dynamic IP address
> ;nat=no ; there is not NAT between phone and
> canreinvite=yes ; allow RTP voice traffic to bypass Asterisk
> dtmfmode=rfc2833 ; either RFC2833 or INFO for the BudgeTone
> ;outgoinglimit=1 ; disable callwaiting signal (2nd call to
> phone)
> ;incominglimit=1 ; permit only 1 outgoing call at a time
> mailbox=2153@default ; mailbox 1234 in voicemail context
> disallow=all ; need to disallow=all before we can use
> allow> allow=ulaw ; Note: In user sections the order
of codecs
> ; listed with allow= does NOT matter!
> ;allow=alaw
> ;allow=g723.1 ; Asterisk only supports g723.1 pass-thru!
> ;allow=g729 ; Pass-thru only unless g729 license
> Thanks in advance
> Mike Roberts
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