Wade J. Weppler
2004-Apr-02 20:27 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] ANNOUNCE: Flash Operator Panel - Extensions fixed
>> We're having a problem with transfering calls. Our channels are notthe>> same as the extensions. We use words instead of numbers. So ourconfig>> looks like this: >> >> SIP/HRUTTER, 1, "81101 Hildegard" >> SIP/JFOLEY-GS, 2, "81103 Jerry" >> >> Consequently when I drag and drop to transfer a call to Jerry, itfails>> because it tries to transfer to an extension called JFOLEY-GS, buthis>> extension is really 81103. > >I will try to take care of that, my asterisk universe is very limited,I>did not think about other naming conventions and uses for the different >types of channels.I was able to get the extension/channel problem fixed. In version .03, change the following lines, starting at line 329: Old: while ( ( $canal, $nroboton ) = each(%botones) ) { if ( $nroboton eq $destino ) { $canal_destino = $canal; log_debug( "Si!!", 4 ); } } $canal_destino =~ s/.*\/(\d*)/$1/g; New: while ( ( $nroboton, $canal ) = each(%textos) ) { if ( $nroboton eq $destino ) { $canal_destino = $canal; log_debug( "Si!!", 4 ); } } $canal_destino =~ s/.*<(\d*)>.*/$1/g Then, you'll need to change the name of the button to a new format: ZAP/1, 1, "Extension Name <1234>" The extension number must be in <>'s. I hope this helps. -wade