Just happy.
hardware information:
Some small factor IBM
Celetron (coppermine) at 1100 (11*100FSB)
256 RAM
15GB Hard.
1 x Digium E100P - E1 Line from telco with 300 Dids
1 x TDM400P for local phones
Few small machines (mainly brand PII at 233Mhz with TDM400P Cards.
There is a lot of SIP equipment attached:
2 x Micronet SIP Gateways
1 x ata186
1 x AudioCodes 1004
2 x Cisco AS5350 Gateways ( now it seems Obsolete :) )
Not a sign of "echo" problem - is this becouse all my analog phones
connected with cat5e cables?
This is heavy production enviroment - Sofia's Metropolian Area Network
Operation centre.
Now i'm playing with the ADSI scripts. If someone has cool ADSI scripts,
please send me.
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