Sebastian Nocetti
2003-Nov-17 16:16 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] RE: Asterisk-Users digest, Vol 1 #1918 - 9 msgs
An example for Radius is calling cards.. I can use * for this kind of service... With platforms that use Radius Server. -----Mensaje original----- De: [] En nombre de Enviado el: Lunes, 17 de Noviembre de 2003 07:16 p.m. Para: Asunto: Asterisk-Users digest, Vol 1 #1918 - 9 msgs Send Asterisk-Users mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to You can reach the person managing the list at When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Asterisk-Users digest..." Today's Topics: 1. RE: wireless ( 2. Re: Radius on * (Jeremy McNamara) 3. Re: IAX2 connectivity problem (qualify=yes) (Andrew Thompson) 4. Re: VOIP phonesets vs. cheap Analog touch-tone sets with Asterisk (Howard White) 5. Re: SIP calls no longer work (Andrew Thompson) 6. 3Com NBX phones (Andrew Nelson) 7. asterisk and Codec G-723 (Javier Rios) 8. Re: DTMF (Scott England) --__--__-- Message: 1 From: <> To: <> Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] wireless Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 08:03:06 +1030 Reply-To: Don't sound bad do they Except their ship date is mid January 2004 Regards Mick -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Iain Stevenson Sent: Monday, 17 November 2003 10:34 PM To: Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] wireless AFAIK the 7920 needs CallManager to work - if you haven't got that you'll have to wait for Cisco to make a general purpose version - or maybe buy a Pulver phone <> - assuming that works with * Iain --On Monday, November 17, 2003 6:31 am -0500 Jeremy McNamara <> wrote:> wrote: > >> Has anyone got a mobile wireless phone working with * yet ???? >> >> Is it possible to use the Cisco 7920 with skinny ???? >> >> > > Not sure, send me one and I'll test it for you. > > > Jeremy McNamara > > > _______________________________________________ > Asterisk-Users mailing list > > >_______________________________________________ Asterisk-Users mailing list --__--__-- Message: 2 Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 16:33:10 -0500 From: Jeremy McNamara <> To: Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Radius on * Reply-To: Sebastian Nocetti wrote:>Does Asterisk support Radius accounting?.... > >No and there is absolutely no need for it to. RADIUS is not anything that should have ever been deployed in a VoIP environment. There are many methods to talk directly to a database, why add another layer of complexity and point of failure? Jeremy McNamara --__--__-- Message: 3 From: "Andrew Thompson" <> To: <> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] IAX2 connectivity problem (qualify=yes) Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 16:54:06 -0500 Reply-To: LS0tLS0gT3JpZ2luYWwgTWVzc2FnZSAtLS0tLSANCkZyb206ICJPbGxlIEUuIEpvaGFuc3Nv biIg PG9lakBlZHZpbmEubmV0Pg0KVG86IDxhc3Rlcmlzay11c2Vyc0BsaXN0cy5kaWdpdW0uY29t Pg0K U2VudDogTW9uZGF5LCBOb3ZlbWJlciAxNywgMjAwMyAzOjU4IFBNDQpTdWJqZWN0OiBSZTog W0Fz dGVyaXNrLVVzZXJzXSBJQVgyIGNvbm5lY3Rpdml0eSBwcm9ibGVtIChxdWFsaWZ5PXllcykN Cg0K DQo+IFdpcGVPdXQgd3JvdGU6DQo+IA0KPiA+IFBoaWxpcHAgdm9uIEtsaXR6aW5nIHdyb3Rl Og0K PiA+IA0KPiA+PiBIaSB0aGVyZSwNCj4gPj4NCj4gPj4gSSBzdGlsbCBoYXZlIGlzc3VlcyB3 aXRo IHRoZSBJQVggY29ubmVjdGlvbiBiZXR3ZWVuIHR3byBzZXJ2ZXJzIChvbmUgDQo+ID4+IHN0 YXRp YyAoc2VydmVyIEEpLCBvbmUgZHluYW1pYyAoc2VydmVyIEIpLCBub25lIGJlaGluZCBOQVQp Og0K PiA+Pg0KPiA+PiBCIHJlZ2lzdGVycyB3aXRoIEEsIGFuZCAiaWF4MiBzaG93IHJlZ2lzdHJ5 IiBz aG93cyB0aGF0IGV2ZXJ5dGhpbmcgaXMgDQo+ID4+IGZpbmUuIEhvd2V2ZXIsIGFmdGVyIGEg d2hp bGUgaWYgSSBjaGVjayBvbiBzZXJ2ZXIgQSB3aXRoICJpYXgyIHNob3cgDQo+ID4+IHBlZXJz IiBJ IHNlZSBhIHN0YXR1cyBvZiBVS05PV04gKGluIGlheC5jb25mIHRoZXJlIGlzIGEgcXVhbGlm eT15 ZXMgDQo+ID4+IHN0YXRlbWVudCBmb3Igc2VydmVyIEIpLg0KPiA+Pg0KPiA+PiBUaGUgcHJv Ymxl bSBpcyB0aGF0IHRoZSBjb25uZWN0aW9uIHRvIHNlcnZlciBCIHJlZ3VsYXJseSBnZXRzIHdv cnNl IA0KPiA+PiB0aGFuIDIwMDAgbXMgYW5kIGlzIHRodXMgdGVtcG9yYXJpbHkgbGlzdGVkIGFz IHVu YXZhaWxhYmxlIC0gZmluZSBzbyANCj4gPj4gZmFyLCB0aGF0IGlzIGNvcnJlY3QuIEJ1dCBh dCBz b21lIHBvaW50IHNlcnZlciBBIHN0b3BzIHRvIHBpY2sgdXAgdGhlIA0KPiA+PiB3b3JraW5n ICgh KSBjb25uZWN0aW9uIGFuZCBwZXJtYW5lbnRseSBzaG93cyBzdGF0dXMgVU5LT1dOIGFsdGhv dWdo IA0KPiA+PiB0aGUgY29ubmVjdGlvbiBpcyBmaW5lIGFnYWluICg0MCBtcyBvciBzbykuIEl0 IGRv ZXMgaGVscCB0byBpc3N1ZSBhIA0KPiA+PiAicmVsb2FkIiBvbiBzZXJ2ZXIgQSwgYnV0IHRo YXQn cyBmb3Igc3VyZSBub3QgdGhlIHdheSBpdCBzaG91bGQgYmUuLi4gDQo+ID4+IHdpdGhvdXQg dGhh dCAicmVsb2FkIiBzZXJ2ZXIgQiB3aWxsIGJlIHBlcm1hbmVudGx5IHVuYXZhaWxhYmxlLg0K PiA+ Pg0KPiA+PiBIYXMgYW55b25lIGVsc2Ugc2VlbiB0aGlzPyBTdWdnZXN0aW9ucz8NCj4gDQo+ ID4+ DQo+ID4gVHJ5ICJxdWFsaWZ5PTMwMDAiIHdoaWNoIHdpbGwgaW5jcmVhc2UgdGhlIHRpbWUg YmV0 d2VlbiBjaGVja3MuLiANCj4gPiBBbHRob3VnaCBpdCBzb3VuZHMgbGlrZSB0aGVyZSBpcyBt b3Jl IHRvIHRoaXMgcHJvYmxlbSB0aGFuIGp1c3QgDQo+ID4gaW5jcmVhc2luZyB0aGUgdGltZS4u DQo+ IA0KPiBJcyB0aGVyZSBhbnkgd2F5IHRvIGdldCBzZXJ2ZXIgQiB0byByZS1yZWdpc3RlciB3 aXRo IGNlcnRhaW4gaW50ZXJ2YWxzLA0KPiBsaWtlIHdlIGRvIGluIFNJUD8gV2UgZGlzY3Vzc2Vk IGR5 bmFtaWMgaG9zdHMgZWFybGllciwgYW5kIGlmIEkgZG9uJ3QNCj4gcmVtZW1iZXIgaW5jb3Jy ZWN0 bHksIElBWCBuZXZlciByZS1yZWdpc3RlcnMsIGl0IGp1c3Qga2VlcHMgdGhlIGxpbmUNCj4g Zm9y ZXZlciBhbmQga2VlcHMgdGhlIElQIG51bWJlci4NCg0KSSdtIG5vdCBhIGh1bmRyZWQgcGVy Y2Vu dCBzdXJlIGlmIHRoaXMgaXMgdGhlIHNhbWUgdGhpbmcsIGJ1dCB3aGVuIEknbSBydW5uaW5n IGFz dGVyaXNrIC12dnZjLCBJIHNlZSBtZXNzYWdlcyBldmVyeSBmZXcgbWludXRlcyBzdGF0aW5n IHRo YXQgSUFYL2xhcHRvcChhbiBpYXhjb21tIHVzZXIpIGhhcyByZWdpc3RlcmVkLg0KDQo+IA0K PiBJ biB0aGlzIHNpdHVhdGlvbiBhbiBleHBpcmUgdGltZSBmb3IgSUFYIHJlZ2lzdHJhdGlvbiB3 b3Vs ZCBzdXBwb3J0DQo+IHRoZSBkeW5hbWljIGhvc3QsIGhvc3QgQi4NCj4gDQo+IEp1c3Qgc3Bl Y3Vs YXRpb24gb24gbXkgYmVoYWxmLCBub3RoaW5nIGltcGxlbWVudGVkIG9yIGV2ZW4gcGxhbm5l ZC4u Lg0KPiAvTw0KPiANCj4gX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19f X19f X19fX18NCj4gQXN0ZXJpc2stVXNlcnMgbWFpbGluZyBsaXN0DQo+IEFzdGVyaXNrLVVzZXJz QGxp c3RzLmRpZ2l1bS5jb20NCj4gaHR0cDovL2xpc3RzLmRpZ2l1bS5jb20vbWFpbG1hbi9saXN0 aW5m by9hc3Rlcmlzay11c2Vycw0KPiANCi0tLS0tDQpBbmRyZXcgVGhvbXBzb24 --__--__-- Message: 4 Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP phonesets vs. cheap Analog touch-tone sets with Asterisk From: Howard White <> To: Date: 17 Nov 2003 15:56:53 -0600 Reply-To: <bottom response = on> On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 08:34, Steve Murphy wrote:> Hello-- > > I've been asked an interesting question, and I'm too ignorant toanswer> it authoritatively (yet). Can anyone help me? > > Question: If I'm going to implement a somewhat small (10-80) phone > system, and I have a choice of using VOIP phoneset (like SNOM or > Grandstream or Cisco, etc), vs. cheap analog touch-tone phones,exactly> what features will I kiss goodbye if I use the cheap analogs? > > In other words, what features will a (more expensive) VOIP phoneset > provide, that the analog won't? > > I know already that asterisk will give me these features with justplain> analog phones (&zaptel cards, of course): Voice mail, park & retrieve&> MOH, transfer, agents, and a few others. And, if you get an analogwith> a CID built in, you could have that, too? (Haven't tried that yet). > > What is the justification for VOIP? just total cost reductions (if the > phone is cheap enough?)? Or are there some nicenesses that only VOIPs > can supply? > > murfLet's approach this question from economics first (tacitly assuming that the technical issues wash). This "debate" is central to what most of us (consultants) are facing just now. The short answer is that the mission may be accomplished either way. Start out by lining up the quantities, types and costs of the equipment required. With an analog phone deployment, anything beyond four desksets is best accomplished with T1 card(s) in the Asterisk PC and channel banks to connect the phones (and probably the PSTN). Whereas the phones could be as little as $10 each, you have to budget the price of the channel bank(s). If the customer is uncomfortable with eBay, used hardware, channel banks could be north of $3000 each. With a net-phone deployment, channel banks are out but more and better ethernet switches _may_ be chosen (specifically taking advantage of QoS/ToS) or separate voice-IP networks installed alongside data-IP networks. For ten desksets, probably not but for eighty??? I have to admit to being quite agnostic to leaning toward analog, myself. If Jeff Pulver's demand (at VON this September) that SIP phone costs be brought down to the $20 per deskset level is met, the economics change quickly. Howard White president - VCCH, Inc. --__--__-- Message: 5 From: "Andrew Thompson" <> To: <> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] SIP calls no longer work Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 16:57:04 -0500 Reply-To: LS0tLS0gT3JpZ2luYWwgTWVzc2FnZSAtLS0tLSANCkZyb206ICJqZXJrIGZhY2UiIDxqZXJr ZmFj ZTIwOThAeWFob28uY29tPg0KVG86IDxhc3Rlcmlzay11c2Vyc0BsaXN0cy5kaWdpdW0uY29t Pg0K U2VudDogTW9uZGF5LCBOb3ZlbWJlciAxNywgMjAwMyAzOjUzIFBNDQpTdWJqZWN0OiBbQXN0 ZXJp c2stVXNlcnNdIFNJUCBjYWxscyBubyBsb25nZXIgd29yaw0KDQoNCj4gSGVsbG8sDQo+IEkn bSBo YXZpbmcgYSBwcm9ibGVtIHdpdGggU0lQLiAgTW9yZSBzcGVjaWZpY2FsbHksIEkNCj4gY2Fu J3Qg bWFrZSBhbnkgY2FsbHMgdXNpbmcgU0lQLg0KPiBJIGhhdmUgaGFkIGFuIGlDb25uZWN0SGVy ZSBh Y2NvdW50IGFuZCBGcmVlIFdvcmxkDQo+IERpYWx1cCBhY2NvdW50IHdvcmtpbmcgZm9yIHF1 aXRl IHNvbWUgdGltZSwgYW5kIG5vdw0KPiBhbGwgb2YgYSBzdWRkZW4gSSBjYW4ndCBtYWtlIGFu eSBT SVAgb3V0Z29pbmcgY2FsbHMuDQo+IA0KPiBQQlgqQ0xJPiBzaXAgc2hvdyByZWdpc3RyeQ0K PiBI b3N0ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgVXNlcm5hbWUgICAgIFJlZnJlc2ggU3RhdGUNCj4gMTky LjI0 Ni42OS4yMjM6NTA2MCAgIFhYWFhYICAgICAgICAgICAgMTIwIFJlZ2lzdGVyZWQNCj4gMjEz LjEz Ny43My4xNzg6NTA2MCAgIFhYWFhYWFhYICAgICAgICAgMTIwIFJlZ2lzdGVyZWQNCj4gMjEz LjEz Ny43My4xNzg6NTA2MCAgIFhYWFhYWFhYICAgICAgICAgMTIwIFJlZ2lzdGVyZWQNCj4gDQo+ IFRo ZSBhYm92ZSBDTEkgb3V0cHV0IHNob3dzIHRoYXQgSSBhbSByZWdpc3RlcmVkIHRvIEZXRA0K PiBh bmQgbXkgaUNvbm5lY3RIZXJlIGFjY291bnRzLg0KPiANCj4gVGhlIGZvbGxvd2luZyBvdXRw dXQg c2hvd3Mgd2hhdCBJIHNlZSB3aGVuIEkgbWFrZSBhDQo+IGNhbGwgdXNpbmcgRldEIG9yIGlD b25u ZWN0SGVyZToNCj4gU3RhcnRpbmcgc2ltcGxlIHN3aXRjaCBvbiAnWmFwLzQtMScNCj4gICAg IC0t IEV4ZWN1dGluZyBTZXRDYWxsZXJJRCgiWmFwLzQtMSIsICJYWFhYWCIpIGluDQo+IG5ldyBz dGFj aw0KPiAgICAgLS0gRXhlY3V0aW5nIFNldENJRE5hbWUoIlphcC80LTEiLCAiIlhYWFhYWCIi KSBp bg0KPiBuZXcgc3RhY2sNCj4gICAgIC0tIEV4ZWN1dGluZyBEaWFsKCJaYXAvNC0xIiwgIlNJ UC82 MTNAZndkIikgaW4gbmV3DQo+IHN0YWNrDQo+ICAgPT0gRXZlcnlvbmUgaXMgYnVzeSBhdCB0 aGlz IHRpbWUNCj4gICAgIC0tIEh1bmd1cCAnWmFwLzQtMScNCj4gDQo+IA0KPiBSdW5uaW5nICdz aXAg ZGVidWcnIGRvZXMgbm90IHNvbHZlIHRoaXMgcHJvYmxlbS4gIA0KDQpSdW5uaW5nICdzaXAg ZGVi dWcnIGlzIHRvIGFsbG93IHlvdSB0byBkZXRlcm1pbmUgdGhlIHByb2JsZW0sIG9yIGNhcHR1 cmUg dGhlIGluZm8gbmVjZXNzYXJ5IGZvciBzb21lb25lIG9ubGlzdCB0byBkZXRlcm1pbmUgdGhl IHBy b2JsZW0uIFR1cm5pbmcgaXQgb24gZG9lc24ndCBzb2x2ZSBwcm9ibGVtcyBieSBpdHNlbGYo bm90 IG9uIHB1cnBvc2UsIGFueXdheSkuDQoNCk5vdyB0aGF0IHlvdSd2ZSB0dXJuZWQgaXQgb24s IGF0 dGVtcHQgYSBjYWxsLCBhbmQgcGFzdGUgaW4gdGhlIG1lc3NhZ2VzIGZvciB1cy4NCg0KPiAN Cj4g SSdtIG91dCBvZiBpZGVhcywgaGFzIHRoaXMgaGFwcGVuZWQgdG8gYW55Ym9keSBiZWZvcmU/ DQo+ IA0KPiBUaGFuayB5b3UgZm9yIHlvdXIgdGltZS4NCj4gDQo+IA0KPiANCj4gX19fX19fX19f X19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fXw0KPiBEbyB5b3UgWWFob28hPw0KPiBQcm90ZWN0IHlv dXIg aWRlbnRpdHkgd2l0aCBZYWhvbyEgTWFpbCBBZGRyZXNzR3VhcmQNCj4gaHR0cDovL2FudGlz cGFt LnlhaG9vLmNvbS93aGF0c25ld2ZyZWUNCj4gX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19f X19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18NCj4gQXN0ZXJpc2stVXNlcnMgbWFpbGluZyBsaXN0DQo+IEFz dGVy aXNrLVVzZXJzQGxpc3RzLmRpZ2l1bS5jb20NCj4gaHR0cDovL2xpc3RzLmRpZ2l1bS5jb20v bWFp bG1hbi9saXN0aW5mby9hc3Rlcmlzay11c2Vycw0KPiANCg0KLS0tLS0NCkFuZHJldyBUaG9t cHNv bg0KWW91ciBleWVzIGFyZSB3ZWFyeSBmcm9tIHN0YXJpbmcgYXQgdGhlIENSVC4gWW91IGZl ZWwg c2xlZXB5LiBOb3RpY2UgaG93IHJlc3RmdWwgaXQgaXMgdG8gd2F0Y2ggdGhlIGN1cnNvciBi bGlu ay4gQ2xvc2UgeW91ciBleWVzLiBUaGUgb3BpbmlvbnMgc3RhdGVkIGFib3ZlIGFyZSB5b3Vy cy4g WW91IGNhbm5vdCBpbWFnaW5lIHdoeSB5b3UgZXZlciBmZWx0IG90aGVyd2lzZS4 --__--__-- Message: 6 From: Andrew Nelson <> To: Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 14:02:53 -0800 Subject: [Asterisk-Users] 3Com NBX phones Reply-To: Has there been any luck getting the 3Com NBX series phones to work with Asterisk? Thanks! -Andrew --__--__-- Message: 7 From: "Javier Rios" <> To: <> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 18:06:13 -0400 Subject: [Asterisk-Users] asterisk and Codec G-723 Reply-To: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3AD35.7D792870 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello I want that all the information of voice that travels by asterisk works with codec g-723 This can be done? Javier Rios ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3AD35.7D792870 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns=3D""> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"> <meta name=3DProgId content=3DWord.Document> <meta name=3DGenerator content=3D"Microsoft Word 10"> <meta name=3DOriginator content=3D"Microsoft Word 10"> <link rel=3DFile-List href=3D"cid:filelist.xml@01C3AD35.7B94B100"> <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:SpellingState>Clean</w:SpellingState> <w:GrammarState>Clean</w:GrammarState> <w:DocumentKind>DocumentEmail</w:DocumentKind> <w:HyphenationZone>21</w:HyphenationZone> <w:EnvelopeVis/> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> <style> <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Tahoma; 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charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Vocal is a complex system and its very Cisco centric (since Cisco funds it I'm not suprised) but in all its been good. We went with it for the SIP support and the fact that our version is heavily modified to intgrate with our custom app. If * had solid SIP support 2 years ago things might have been diffrent. :) Scott costas wrote:>I can't resist asking. What do you think of Vocal as compared to *?Anything Vocal has but missing in *?> >---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- >From: Scott England <> >Reply-To: >Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 02:58:55 -0800 > > > >>I am trying to connect to a vocal server from an asterisk server. Acall>>is received via iax2 to my asterisk server. I then initiate a SIP >>connection to the vocal server. everything works great except dtmf >>doesnt work. A cisco 5300 can connect to this vocal server and do dtmf>>without a problem. I have my dtmf set to rfc2833 in the generalsection>>of the sip.conf . I can confirm that the channel is in rfc2833 during >>the call via show channel. With SIP debug though I dont see any event >>for dtmf. I do see dtmf in IAX though. >> >>_______________________________________________ >>Asterisk-Users mailing list >> >> >> >> >> > >-- >Costas Menico >Meezon Software Corp >201-224-8111 > > >-- >_______________________________________________ >Asterisk-Users mailing list > > > >--------------090601060805030802090802 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title></title> </head> <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff"> Vocal is a complex system and its very Cisco centric (since Cisco funds it I'm not suprised) but in all its been good. We went with it for the SIP support and the fact that our version is heavily modified to intgrate with our custom app. If * had solid SIP support 2 years ago things might have been diffrent. :)<br> <br> Scott<br> <br> costas wrote:<br> <blockquote type="cite" cite=""> <pre wrap="">I can't resist asking. What do you think of Vocal as compared to *? Anything Vocal has but missing in *? ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Scott England <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href=""><></a> Reply-To: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="">asterisk-users@lists.digiu</a> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 02:58:55 -0800 </pre> <blockquote type="cite"> <pre wrap="">I am trying to connect to a vocal server from an asterisk server. A call is received via iax2 to my asterisk server. I then initiate a SIP connection to the vocal server. everything works great except dtmf doesnt work. A cisco 5300 can connect to this vocal server and do dtmf without a problem. I have my dtmf set to rfc2833 in the general section of the sip.conf . I can confirm that the channel is in rfc2833 during the call via show channel. With SIP debug though I dont see any event for dtmf. I do see dtmf in IAX though. _______________________________________________ Asterisk-Users mailing list <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="">Asterisk-Users@lists.digiu</a> <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="">http://li</a> </pre> </blockquote> <pre wrap=""><!----> -- Costas Menico Meezon Software Corp 201-224-8111 <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a> -- _______________________________________________ Asterisk-Users mailing list <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="">Asterisk-Users@lists.digiu</a> <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="">http://li</a> </pre> </blockquote> <br> </body> </html> --------------090601060805030802090802-- --__--__-- _______________________________________________ Asterisk-Users mailing list End of Asterisk-Users Digest