Hi. My first 'snapshot' of flastman is out. Flastman stands for FLash ASTerisk MANager. written in flash, this first version is just a proof of concept, ie doesn't nothing except for logging in/out & displaying manager events while logged in. But is realtime & in any flash-enabled browser. Not very useful yet, but I'm going to improve it. For the hardcore testers, grab it from here: http://asterisk.espia-net.net/flastman-0.0.1-pre-alpha.tar.gz Please send me feedback.... P.S. also an alternative manager.c is shipped, since flash expect a message terminated by '\0' . this modified version of manager.c does that. updated to today cvs ;) . Look into INSTALL for more details -- Brancaleoni Matteo <mbrancaleoni@espia.it> Espia - Emmegi Srl