> I have already installed a small PBX ( 1 FXO (E100P) and 4 FXS
(TDM400P) )>but now i want to know how to build a bigger one... maybe 8 FXO and 24 FXS
>something like that o bigger. But i dont know witch hardware i need.
use a
-1 t410 4 t1 spans
-32 ports off a channel bank(s)
-1 CAC adit 600 with 3x8fxs cards & 1x8fxo cards
-2 adtran ta-750/850
1- 6x4fxs cards
1- 2xfxo cards
-how much box depends on how much VoIP your doing & which codecs
you'd be pretty safe with an intel MB, 2.4Ghz, 256 RAM
then you just need you fav analog phones the adsi aastra 480's are nice