I have found out why I am having problems with the directory application. The problem is that the Directory application is not searching through contexts properly. Example: extensions.conf [default] exten=>*,1,Directory(company) exten=>556,1,Directory(default) exten=>555,1,Voicemail2,u555 ... [company] ;Batman exten=>401,1,Dial,Zap/5|15 exten=>401,2,Voicemail2,u401 *** voicemail.conf ... [default] 555 => 555,Dick Grayson,dgrayson@mycompany.com [company] 401 => 666,Bruce Wayne,bwayne@mycompany.com Here's the situation: If Dick Grayson records his name, and somebody used the 556 directory to look up his name, they will hear his recorded name. If Bruce Wayne records his name, and somebody used the * directory to look up his name, they will not hear his recorded name. Why does this happen? -Derek