I don't think you can use wildcards in the ANI matching areas, though
I'd be happy if this were the case.
You'll probably need to write an AGI that hands back an appropriate
variable set to something that a Goto can parse.
The use of wildcards in ANI matches would be darn handy, though.
>Hi. I need to send calls to different programs depending on where the
>call originates. For example, I need calls from San Diego (NPA 619 and
>858) to to be routed differently than L.A. calls. I tried entries like:
>exten => 4044633/_619.,1,OurApp,sandiego-queue
>exten => 4044633/_858.,1,OurApp,sandiego-queue
>exten => 4044633/_213.,1,OurApp,losangeles-queue
>exten => 4044633/_.,1,OurApp,default-queue
>but it didn't seem to work. Every call went to the default queue.
>I also tried
>exten => 4044633/_619XXXXXXX,1,OurApp,sandiego-queue
>to no avail.
>It did work if I put a specific number in there:
>exten => 4044633/6193644788,1,OurApp,sandiego-queue
>but of course I can't list every possible number.
>What am I doing wrong? Thanks...
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