So all this flurry around the condition interpolation made me have another look at how quoting works in Active Record. And it took much less time than I feared to clean it up, so now Active Record should be generating proper SQL, like: SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id = 5 ...instead of: SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id = ''5'' This has been a big problem for pretty much all the work done on new adapters, so hopefully this will make it much easier to write adapters for AR. Right now, the abstract adapter has a default implementation for quoting that should be overwritten by the adapter to call the connectors quoting mechanism. Like this for the MySQL adapter: def quote_string(s) Mysql::quote(s) end The beta gems are up to date with these latest changes! -- David Heinemeier Hansson, -- Web-based Project Management -- Web-application framework for Ruby -- TextMate: Code and markup editor (OS X) -- Broadcasting Brain
David Heinemeier Hansson wrote:> So all this flurry around the condition interpolation made me have > another look at how quoting works in Active Record. And it took much > less time than I feared to clean it up, so now Active Record should be > generating proper SQL, like: > > SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id = 5 > > ...instead of: > > SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id = ''5'' >This is really good news and probably all I need to finish the DB2 adapter. What will be the best way to integrate the changes? Checking out the current project status from CVS?
David Heinemeier Hansson
2004-Dec-07 16:10 UTC
Re: Proper database connector-based quoting!
> This is really good news and probably all I need to finish the DB2 > adapter. What will be the best way to integrate the changes? Checking > out the current project status from CVS?I''m glad to hear that. You want to checkout the latest from SVN. The Subversion repository is at Would be really nice with a whole slew of new adapters in 0.9 ;) -- David Heinemeier Hansson, -- Web-based Project Management -- Web-application framework for Ruby -- TextMate: Code and markup editor (OS X) -- Broadcasting Brain