On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 11:06:22AM -0800, James Moore
wrote:> I''d like to get the following behavior:
> 1. Stemming. The search is on a database of summaries of California legal
> cases. Things like a search for "thermal image" needs to hit
> imaging."
> 2. Stop words. Searches for "failing to instruct the jury"
should come up
> with hits on a search for "fail to instruct."
> 3. Case-insensitive.
> What I tried was:
> class StemmedAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer
> def token_stream(field, reader)
> return
> new(reader))
> end
> end
> class Summary < ActiveRecord::Base
> acts_as_ferret(:analyzer => StemmedAnalyzer.new)
> But this doesn''t appear to give me either stemming or stopwords.
It does
> give me basic searching (searches for exact keywords without stopwords
> searches with stopwords return no results).
what version of Ferret/AAF are you using ? In the most recent Ferret
(0.10.13) there is no class PorterStemFilter.
With said Feret version, the following seems to suit your needs:
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