Am 01.11.09 09:07, schrieb Toshikazu Aiyama:
I'm not really sure what you are trying to accomplish here: Do you want
to add something to the wiki? Then the following text is way too special
and needs simplification and "despecialisation".
> 4. Label the volume to be installed
> # mkfs.ext3 -L CentOS /dev/sda9
Um. Why do you think that needs to be done?
> 5. Find the CentOS mirror site you will use for installation, then using
> find its numerical ip address.
Why would you need to find out the numerical IP address?
> Also find directory where centos/5.3/os/x86_64 exists.
I think you mean 5.4 here.
> f. At "HTTP Setup", enter appropriate values, referencing the
following examples.
> ex. (
> pub/centos/5.3/os/x86_64
> * Since the current installer does not have reverse DNS capability,
> enter explicit IP address.
That a) doesn't have to do anything with the installer not having
reverse DNS capability (it does not need to) and b) a host name like
above works just fine.
> * Give an absolute ip address of server found by traceroute command.
Not needed. And not all mirrors work that way.
> h. At "System to Upgrade", choose "Reinstall System"
Ummm. That only happens when you already have a system on there. Which
you can just upgrade via yum if you already are on CentOS 5.
> i. At "Partitioning Type", choose "Create custom
layout", and select drives.
> Then choose a partion to install
That looks like some "special need" to me.
> l. At "Boot Loader Configuration", enter "vga=792"
for a good display.
> Finally install boot loader to a specific partition not MBR
> f. Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf for proper setting.
Too special.
> g. Install nforce bugs fixes if necessary.
And if I don't have an nforce?
> h. Edit /etc/inittab
> Change a line default run level from 5 to 3
> i. For kernel bugs, edit /boot/grub/grub.conf if necessary.
> Then to make it effective,
> # grub-install /dev/sda?
Nope. Not needed at all.