On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 05:22:05PM +0200, Dan Reverri
wrote:> If searching multiple indexes with a single searcher is there anyway to
> identify which index a resulting doc is stored in?
> i1 = Ferret::I.new
> i2 = Ferret::I.new
> i1 << {:id=>1,:text=>"random stuff"}
> i1.commit
> reader >
> searcher = Ferret::Index::IndexSearcher.new(reader)
> query = Ferret::Search::MatchAllQuery.new
> searcher.search_each(query) do |doc_id,score|
> puts reader[doc_id][:text] # Anyway to find what index this doc is
> stored in?
> end
I don''t think so. I think I would store a flag indicating which index
the doc is in at indexing time with each doc.
Jens Kr?mer
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