Hello, We have a web cluster running now on virtual servers (proxmox). I installed gluster server and client on tow Hardware nodes,(one gluster server and 3 gluster client on each) which are centos5 64bit and stripe storage. I have couple of issue which by reading the forum I couldn?t find the right answer. - -anytime we push files to all servers, we get rsync error on gluster client, if I go directly to server and do ?ls -la? on that directory, and push again that file, then it overwrite or created the file there. - -on webpage, on and off shows the pages on IE browser or other browser most of the time can not show any page or shows error 500. - When httpd is still running, most of the time nagios is sending error message which ?http_live? is critical. I would appreciate if someone can give me advice. Regards, -Pari