Hello world. I'm new to this list so bare with me. I have a procurve 2424m with 3 vlans configured. I get the internet from another procurve that is connected to vlan1, and the bridge is connected between vlan1 and vlan2 (doing some filtering here) So, internet > vlan1 > bridge > vlan2 The problem is that I get a packet loss between 30% and 70% and the logs on the bridge looks okay, same with the logs on the procurve. The bridge works like a charm if I use another switch instead of vlan1. like this: Internet > another switch > bridge > vlan2 Internet > vlan1 > bridge > another switch gives the same positive result. The bridge is actually configured to serve as both a bridge between 2 vlans and as a NAT-box for another vlan with workstations, dont think that is relevant to this problem though. I used to use a router between those 2 vlans to filter, that also worked. Any clues on where to even start looking? It might be a problem with the switch, but I might as well ask here. Oh, and the vlans are all untagged, and there is no stp running on the switch. Cheers, Fredrik Laestadius. .se