We do this, deleting spam filtered messages older than 21 days. We
also delete the index's and let Dovecot re-generate them. Have had no
problems with this method for 4 months.
Dean Manners
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dovecot-bounces at dovecot.org
> [mailto:dovecot-bounces at dovecot.org] On Behalf Of Ray
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:56 AM
> To: dovecot at dovecot.org
> Subject: [Dovecot] removing old emails
> Hello,
> I need to remove mail older than for example 30 days. Email
> is stored in maildir format. can I just use a cron job and
> shell script or will that mess up indexs?
> Thanks
> Ray