On Dec 23, 2007 7:38 AM, Ivo Dancet <ivo.dancet at gmail.com>
wrote:> Hi all
> I just recently started to use rspec and I''m having a problem
> multple scenarios in one story. These are the two scenarios, trying to
> test my implemenation of the new http authentication in rails 2:
> Scenario "user has to authenticate" do
> Given "an anonymous user" do
> end
> When "visiting", "working_page" do |page|
> get page
> end
> Then "it should return 401 Unauthorized on each request" do
> response.headers["Status"].should == "401
> end
> end
> Scenario "user authenticates so the page should return 200" do
> Given "a user"; end
> When "visiting", "working_page" do |page|
> get page, nil, :authorization =>
> "pass")
> end
> Then "I''m logged in" do
> response.should be_success
> end
> end
> What happens is that the second scenario''s response is also
> 401 and if I switch the order of the two scenarios, the second
> scenario (now the one that should return 401) returns 200. Each
> scenario works if I remove the other one.
Within a single story, each step can only get defined once. The second
definition is bypassed. There is a discussion about this in a ticket
about this at the lighthouse
(http://rspec.lighthouseapp.com/projects/5645/tickets/167) and we''ll
probably add a warning when you try to do this, but know that it is
not supported and will not be supported - so you''ll want to
restructure these scenarios.
On another note, an important factor of stories/scenarios is that the
doc-strings tell the story, so to speak. What you''ve got there would
not really do that very clearly. I''d probably try to do something more
Scenario "user has to authenticate" do
Given "an anonymous user" do
@authorization => nil
When "visiting", "working_page" do |page|
get page, :authorization => @authorization
Then "it should return 401 Unauthorized on each request" do
response.headers["Status"].should == "401
Scenario "user authenticates so the page should return 200" do
Given "an authorized user" do
When "visiting", "working_page"
Then "I''m logged in" do
response.should be_success
Now the notion of the anonymous or authorized user is tied to the
correct step in each scenario.
I haven''t run that myself, so it might not work as/is, but it is the
direction I''d try to go.
> thanks for any help!
> Ivo Dancet
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