> This is one of the use cases for zvols.
Both will work -- zvols or zfs filesystems.
Either way, the key to good database performance is to match the zvol''s
blocksize (or the filesystem''s recordsize) to the database''s
record size.
That way your database writes will be pure writes, not read-modify-write.
For a 100G database using 8k blocks, create your zvol like this:
# zfs create -V 100g -b 8k pool/volume
If you need to change the size, just set the ''volsize''
# zfs set volsize=200g pool/volume
Alternatively, if you want to use a filesystem and just store the database
in a file, that''ll work too:
# zfs create pool/fs
# zfs set recordsize=8k pool/fs
and you''re good to go.
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