Adam Błaszczykowski
2023-Jun-05 13:53 UTC
[Samba] "wbinfo --online-status" returns wrong child domain status
Hello, I have following trusted domain configuration: domain1.lan <- two way trust / forest trust -> domain2.lan domain1.lan <- child domain trust -> sub.domain1.lan When I shutdown "sub.domain1.lan" domain, "wbinfo --onlline-status" command shows wrong status for child domain. wbinfo --online-status BUILTIN : active connection SAMBA1 : active connection DOMAIN1 : active connection DOMAIN2 : active connection *SUB : active connection* After winbind restart: wbinfo --online-status BUILTIN : active connection SAMBA1 : active connection DOMAIN1 : active connection DOMAIN2 : active connection *SUB : no active connection* Why I need to restart winbind to get proper domain status ? Thank you. Best Regards. Adam Blaszczykowski
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