Statements like c(rbind(x, xx+yy), max(t)) and rep(0,length(df$b[1])) don't
make any sense. You're example will be easier to understand if you show us
the nrow(df) ==3
case. Thanks
Grant Izmirlian, Ph.D.
Mathematical Statistician
izmirlig at
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From: Andras Farkas <motyocska at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 7:06 AM
To: R-help Mailing List
Subject: [R] data frame solution
Hello All,
wonder if you have thoughts on a clever solution for this code:
df <- data.frame(a = c(6,1), b = c(1000,1200), c =c(-1,3))
#the caveat here is that the number of rows for df can be anything from 1 row to
in the hundreds. I kept it to 2 to have minimal reproducible
t<-seq(-5,24,0.1) #min(t) will always be <=df$c[1], which is the value
that is always going to equal to min(df$c)
times1 <- c(rbind(df$c[1],df$c[1]+df$a[1]),max(t)) #length of times1 will
always be 3, see times2 is of length 4
input1 <- c(rbind(df$b[1]/df$a[1],rep(0,length(df$b[1]))),0) #length of
input1 will always be 3, see input2 is of length 4
times2 <- c(times1[1],rbind(df$c[2],df$c[2]+df$a[2]),max(t)) #note 1st value
of times2, (or for times3, times4,.. if more rows in df) is times1[1], which
will always be < times2[1] (or times3[1], times4[1],.. if more rows in df)
input2 <- c(0,rbind(df$b[2]/df$a[2],rep(0,length(df$b[2]))),0) #note 1st
value of input2 (or for input3, input4,.. if more rows in df) is 0, which will
always be 0 (or for all input2-n other then for input1 as that will be as above
,.. if more rows in df)
so if I did it all manually then for row 3 in df I would calculate out3 and so
on... Would like to be able to do this with a clean function solution that
allows for different row numbers in df...
as always your help is appreciated
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