Thank you all. Think I did solve it by using the code below :
plot(g_decompose[[1]], edge.color=edge_attr(g_decompose[[1]])$COLOR)
plot(g_decompose[[2]], edge.color=edge_attr(g_decompose[[2]])$COLOR)
On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 5:48 PM, Bogdan Tanasa <tanasa at>
> Dear all,
> I would appreciate a piece of advice please : I am aiming to color the
> edges in a graph, by using IGRAPH package.
> It works well for the big braph, however, when I decompose the graph into
> 2 subgraphs and color code those, the color of the edges change
> (unexpectedly).
> more precisely, as an example -- we have a dataframe :
> el <- data.frame(Partner1=c(1, 3, 4, 5, 6), Partner2=c(2, 2, 5, 7, 7),
> TYPE=c("DEL", "DEL", "DUP", "TRA",
> el$COLOR[el$TYPE=="DEL"] <- "red"
> el$COLOR[el$TYPE=="DUP"] <- "green"
> el$COLOR[el$TYPE=="INS"] <- "yellow"
> el$COLOR[el$TYPE=="INV"] <- "brown"
> el$COLOR[el$TYPE=="TRA"] <- "blue"
> #> el
> # Partner1 Partner2 TYPE COLOR
> #1 1 2 DEL red
> #2 3 2 DEL red
> #3 4 5 DUP green
> #4 5 7 TRA blue
> #5 6 7 TRA blue
> g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = el, directed = TRUE)
> plot(g, edge.color=el$COLOR)
> ### here decomposing the graph into 2 SUBGRAPHS :
> g_decompose <- decompose.graph(g)
> plot(g_decompose[[1]], edge.color=el$COLOR) ## here the edges are red
> (that is fine)
> plot(g_decompose[[2]], edge.color=el$COLOR) ## here the edges shall be
> blue and green, not red and green .
> #####################################################
> many thanks !
> -- bogdan
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