Bharath Sivaram
2016-Mar-18 00:48 UTC
[R] Error with fortify() and and incorrect output of facet_wrap when plotting spatial census data
I am trying to plot the US census data using ggplot2. I was able to plot the data for one specific year ( all states) and generate the map with correct data. When I try to combine a couple of years together to analyse the trend over a period, I am getting errors with both Fortify and facet_wrap. When I use fortify after combining multiple years to the @dataof the spatial object I get this error: Error in maptools::unionSpatialPolygons(cp, attr[, region]) : input lengths differ I tried to implement the solution provided in this stackoverflow question Drawing maps based on census data using ggplot2 <> but that does not seem to work for me. Since I am not sure of the purpose behind using region="id in fortify, I used the function without it. Fortify works fine but I am facing issues with the output of Facet_Wrap(). I seem to face the same issue as this user R, Incorrect output from ggplot2 and facet_wrap when using spatial data <> but the question is not answered. I have followed the steps mentioned in and I am not able to figure out the issue Code: #Import the data from the web and make it tidy. This data includes years from 1900-2000 url<-"" pop_00<-readHTMLTable(url,which = 1,skip=1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) pop_00<-tbl_df(pop_00) pop_00<-pop_00%>%gather(date,pop,-State)%>%filter(date!="2003") colnames(pop_00)[1]<-"name" #Import 2010 data from uspop_10<-read.csv("NST-EST2015-alldata.csv") poptidy<-tbl_df(uspop_10) colnames(poptidy)<-tolower(colnames(poptidy)) poptidy<-select(poptidy,c(name,census2010pop)) poptidy<-poptidy%>%gather(date,pop,-name) poptidy$date<-gsub("census2010pop","2010",poptidy$date) pop_sub<-rbind(poptidy,pop_00) pop_sub$pop<-as.numeric(pop_sub$pop) # Download list of states to filter unwanted rows in the pop_sub table url_state<-"" state_fips<-readHTMLTable(url_state,which=1) pop_sub<-filter(pop_sub,name %in% state_fips$`State or District`) # Shape file of US data/data/cbf/cbf_state.html usmap<-readOGR("cb_2014_us_state_500k",layer="cb_2014_us_state_500k") colnames(usmap at data)<-tolower(colnames(usmap at data)) usmap at data<-left_join(usmap at data,pop_sub,"name") usmap at data$id <-row.names(usmap at data) usmap_f<-fortify(usmap,region="id") usmap_f<-inner_join(usmap_f,usmap at data,"id") ggplot(usmap_f)+aes(long,lat,group=group,fill=pop/1000)+geom_polygon()+facet_wrap(~date)+coord_map(xlim=c(-150,-50),ylim=c(20,50))+scale_fill_gradient2(low="green",mid="blue",high="red",midpoint=15000,name="Population in Thousands")+geom_path(colour="black", lwd=0.05) Thanks Bharath Sivaraman [[alternative HTML version deleted]]