I'm a little fuzzy on what a bomb is in this context, but the source()
function expects the input argument to be either a connection object or
character string. See ...
Try enclosing you filename with quotes.
> On Mar 1, 2016, at 11:29 AM, MAURICE Jean - externe
<jean-externe.maurice at edf.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> This morning, we transfered 2 R files into Git because someone else is
going to work with me. A file is the 'main script' and the second
contains the functions.
> I had problem with the encoding of this second file : French accent were
replaced by question mark. Without Git, I could 'reopen with encoding'
but with Git, it doesn't work. I tried a lot of things in vain. At the end,
I deleted the whole content of the file and paste in it a copy of the same file
but in my own directory after a reopen with encoding. I save and commit all;
Quit R; restart the PC and open the Git project : all seems ok.
> I have asked a question about 'starting directory' but waiting for
an answer I write the directory name in the code like :
> Source(c:/RepoGit/ ..../plateforme.r)
> But when this line is executed a bomb appears.
> I tried to add a encoding clause : in vain
> I looked at the windows rights, they are the same for both files ...
> I added a test.r file in the directory, I can 'source' it ...
> The second person can source the second file on her PC,
> I'am lost ! If someone has an idea ...
> Jean
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Ben Tupper
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
60 Bigelow Drive, P.O. Box 380
East Boothbay, Maine 04544