Dear All
I ported the speex decoder in LPC2000 ARM7 family.
Because I fetched the .ogg file from and external MMC card, I can only red a
limited memory block
1) Can I decode only a block of a speex file at time ?
/*Create a new decoder state in narrowband mode*/
state = speex_decoder_init(&speex_nb_mode);
/*Set the perceptual enhancement on*/
speex_decoder_ctl(state, SPEEX_SET_ENH, &tmp);
/* Get frame size */
speex_decoder_ctl(state, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &nbBytes);
/*Initialization of the structure that holds the bits*/
lb = file_read(&file, nbBytes, (void *)cbits);
/*Copy the data into the bit-stream struct*/
speex_bits_read_from(&bits, cbits, nbBytes);
/*Decode the data*/
speex_decode(state, &bits, output);
/* now I reder the block */
} while(lb); /* do */
2) What is the third parameter of the speex_bits_read_from function ? Can I put
there a fraction of the ogg. file size ?
I red the frame size from the speex_decoder_ctl "nbBytes", and than I
use it to get a frame from the input file. Is it right ?
3) With the previous code I get the error message
warning: Invalid mode encountered: corrupted stream?
Any suggestion ? Where I'm wrong ?
4) Do anyone know if and when will exist a full fixed point version of the speex
? and an optimized version for ARM7 ?
Thank you
Best Regards