On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 22:53:12 -0300
Túlio Henrique via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I have some linux stations which authenticate in a MS AD server.
> We had to change the usernames accounts, but the SID remains the
> same. When I logon with the new account name, another home folder is
> created. Is there any way to point the new account name to the old
> folder name preserving the user files and confs?
> Thanks so much for the help.
> Best regards,
OK, I am Unix workstation that is a member of an AD domain. A user logs
into me, so I ask winbind to authenticate this user for me. The AD DC
is asked by winbind, 'Hi, do you know this user ?', AD replies 'Yes,
This is its SID-RID', winbind checks the SID to make sure it is the
correct domain, then ignores it. It then either uses the RID to
calculate the Unix ID (if you are using the 'rid' backend), or it asks
AD 'Hello again, can I have the users uidNumber ?' (if the 'ad'
is used).
So, on Windows, if you change a username, the new username will
replace the old one. On a Unix machine there isn't the code to do
this ;-)