mws at writes:
> 1) select digest('testing123','sha512');
> result:
> login fails
I think 2 problems here:
1) the encoding should be some modified base64; and
2) this appears to compute the SHA512 hash, *not* the
SHA512-Crypt hash, which is different. It involves
adding a salt and doing many iterations of SHA512.
A totally different algorithm.
Perusing the PostgreSQL man pages, I think you need something like
I made the 'sha512' up -- I can't find PostgresSQL docs stating
it supports this value. The docs I found support the older SHA1
($5$) crypt hashes. If your version doesn't support creating SHA512
($6$) salts, you can create your own by replacing gen_salt() with
+ base64(long random value), and feed that to crypt().
Just as long as PostgreSQL uses the system crypt() and not its own
implementation, it should produce a usable hash.
Joseph Tam <jtam.home at>