On Sat, Dec 08, 2018 at 08:59:31 +0100, Chris wrote:> All,
> is it possible to create a new KVM machine from an existing qcow (v3)
> image with snapshots? snapshot-list doesn't show them, when using
> virt-manager 1:1.5.1-0ubuntu1.1 to create the machine.
> * t-ad5.img: QEMU QCOW Image (v3), 42949672960 bytes
> chris@cd:/data/md0$ qemu-img snapshot -l t-ad5.img
> Snapshot list:
> 1 pre-domain 0 2018-05-08 21:27:40 00:00:00.000
> chris@cd:~$ virsh snapshot-list t-ad5
> Name Creation Time State
> ------------------------------------------------------------
Currently we don't support so-called 'snapshots without (libvirt)
metadata'. We do support though creation of the metadata in libvirt
without actually invoking any qemu command.
You can use virsh snapshot-create --redefine flag for it. The snapshot
XML needs to have the same name as the qcow2 image's name.
Note that some stuff might not work properly if you don't add a domain
state XML which describes the hardware at the time the snapshot was
taken. (A workaround would be to create a snapshot with the desired
configuration with libvirt, then dump it and modify the name).