For the mailing list archive and for anyone else interested. A few years ago we needed to automatically run a second AGI if the first AGI failed i.e. a "failsafe" setup. Mainly because I'm not a very good programmer. 8-| The code below is very similar to what we use in production. This code is also at for a while. "sm" stands for Switch Manager (get your mind out of the gutter), the name of one of our internal Asterisk projects. /* This script runs an AGI, if the AGI fails, a "circuit breaker" will "trip". The breaker causes this script to skip running the primary AGI on and only run the failsafe AGI until the max calls or max seconds. Once max calls or max seconds elapse the breaker is reset on the next call and everything goes back to normal. GLOBAL VARIABLES SM_NODE: system hostname SM_AGI_BREAKER_MAX_CALLS: reset breaker after this many calls SM_AGI_BREAKER_MAX_ELAPSED: reset breaker after this many seconds SM_AGI_BREAKER_NOTIFY: e-mail address list */ macro sm_agi(agi,agi_failsafe) { // extract script name from primary agi for the global breaker variable name Set(LOCAL(breaker)=sm_agi_breaker-${CUT(CUT(agi,/,${FIELDQTY(agi,/)}),^,1)}); Set(SM_AGI_STATUS=); if ("${GLOBAL(${breaker})}" == "tripped") { // globally lock breaker variable to prevent race condition if (${TRYLOCK(${breaker})}) { Noop(AGI Breaker '${breaker}' is currently 'tripped' Checking elapsed time and elapsed calls.); if (${${breaker}_calls} > ${SM_AGI_BREAKER_MAX_CALLS} || ${MATH(${STRFTIME(,,%s)}-${${breaker}_timestamp},int)} > ${SM_AGI_BREAKER_MAX_ELAPSED}) { System(/bin/echo "AGI breaker '${breaker}' reset on '${SM_NODE}' after '${MATH(${STRFTIME(,,%s)}-${${breaker}_timestamp},int)}' seconds and '${${breaker}_calls}' calls. Normal call processing has resumed." | mail -s "NOTICE: ${SM_NODE} AGI Breaker '${breaker}' Reset" ${SM_AGI_BREAKER_NOTIFY}); Set(ARRAY(GLOBAL(${breaker}),GLOBAL(${breaker}_calls),GLOBAL(${breaker}_elapsed))=,,,); } Set(undef=${UNLOCK(${breaker})}); } } if ("${GLOBAL(${breaker})}" != "tripped") { // run agi, replacing ^ with , AGI(${REPLACE(agi,^,\,)}); // the agi should set SM_AGI_STATUS to "FAIL" when it starts and set it to "SUCCESS" just before the AGI exits. This is because if the AGI fails it won't be able to set the SM_AGI_STATUS variable. if ("${SM_AGI_STATUS}" == "SUCCESS") { return; } if ("${SM_AGI_STATUS}" != "FAIL" && "${AGISTATUS}" == "SUCCESS") { Set(SM_AGI_STATUS=SUCCESS); return; } // agi failed, trip the circuit breaker if (${TRYLOCK(${breaker})}) { Set(ARRAY(GLOBAL(${breaker}),GLOBAL(${breaker}_calls),GLOBAL(${breaker}_timestamp))=tripped,1,${STRFTIME(,,%s)}); Set(undef=${UNLOCK(${breaker})}); } System(/bin/echo "AGI '${agi}' failed on channel '${CHANNEL(name)}' with status '${AGISTATUS}' on '${SM_NODE}', tripping AGI breaker '${breaker}'. Failsafe mode enabled, AGI breaker will reset after '${SM_AGI_BREAKER_MAX_ELAPSED}' seconds or '${SM_AGI_BREAKER_MAX_CALLS}' calls" | mail -s "ERROR: ${SM_NODE} AGI Breaker '${breaker}' Tripped" ${SM_AGI_BREAKER_NOTIFY}); Playback(custom/sm_agi_fail); } // try using the failsafe AGI(${REPLACE(agi_failsafe,^,\,)}); if ("${AGISTATUS}" == "SUCCESS") { if (${LOCK(${breaker})}) { Set(ARRAY(GLOBAL(${breaker}_calls),SM_AGI_STATUS)=${MATH(${${breaker}_calls}+1,int)},SUCCESS); Set(undef=${UNLOCK(${breaker})}); } return; } System(/bin/echo "Backup AGI '${agi_failsafe}' failed with status '${AGISTATUS}' on '${SM_NODE}'. This is a critical emergency. All calls on this node are failing. Drop whatever you are doing and deal with it." | mail -s "PANIC: ${SM_NODE} AGI FAILED" ${SM_AGI_BREAKER_NOTIFY}); // both agi and failsafe agi failed. reset the agi breaker for the next call and hope for the best. Set(ARRAY(GLOBAL(${breaker}),GLOBAL(${breaker}_calls),GLOBAL(${breaker}_timestamp))=,,,); return; }