Suppose I have a target system with two different register classes which hold
different values, let us refer to them as Prc and Src, and individual elements
P0,P1,… and S0,S1… respectively
Now I have an instruction which has a field that takes either a Prc or an Src.
If I create a third register class which combines all of the individual
registers and has both types, then I get an error such as
error: Value #0 of OperandWithDefaultOps ‘’FOO” doesn't have a concrete
Where effectively I had
def Prc : registerclass<’”ns”, [Type1], 8 (add P0, … )>
def Src : registerclass<’”ns”, [Type2], 8 (add S0, … )>
def PSrc : registerclass<”ns”, [Type1, Type2], 8, (add P0….,
def Pop : RegisterOperand<Prc> { }
def FOO : OperandWithDefaults<Type1, (ops P0)>
What guidance or examples are there for approaching this kind of problem?
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