Hi guys, there are few issues concerning LLVM and Gento Linux below. 1. Gentoo encourages to think of smarter packaging. Oversimplified, but... there are at least three audiences using LLVM: - application users - developers *using* LLVM in their projects - developers *changing* LLVM sources. Application users are not interested in LLVM, they are rather interested to have their favorite applications running OK. The minimally needed stuff for them is libllvm*.so and probably few of llvm-tools executables. (e.g. examples like Stacker or fibonacci are not needed) Developers who use LLVM are probably interested to have gcc-front-end, *.h* interfaces, libllvm*.so and probably some executables. Developers involved in LLVM sources internals potentially need ALL and with full sources :) 2. here is my ebuild intended to build "tools-only" stuff from llvm-1.4: http://bugs.gentoo.org/attachment.cgi?id=56657&action=view This ebuild is rather intended to be used by "Application Users" audience. Examples are excluded from this ebuild (also because of dependancy on llvmgcc). Eric van Riet Paap pointed me to Debian sibling of the the gentoo ebuild. There was a potential conflict reported (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=304035) -- the binary "extract" created during compile&install has potential conflicts because of its generic name. Perhaps one could exclude "extract" tools and submit this ebuild to Gentoo. 3. For those who didn't use Gentoo a lot before the instructions to use this ebuild are here (thanks to Eric): - edit /etc/make.conf to have PORTAGE_OVERLAY pointing to your own local portage directory (usually you don't need this step, just use /usr/local/portage ) - mkdir /usr/local/portage/sys-devel/llvm-base (use corresponding local portage dir) - put the ebuild in that directory - ran: ebuild llvm-base-1.4.ebuild digest - now you could install this with: ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge llvm-base That's it. Any cooments are very appreciated with Cc to me, thanks :) -- Valery A.Khamenya