Mark Rosenstand
2008-Apr-05 13:22 UTC
[compiz] Required versions and patches for compiz on AIGLX
Hi, I stopped using compiz a while back when some patches didn't apply to an upgrade I thought was more important than running compiz (IIRC it was xorg-server) but would like to get it working again. I'm using vanilla sources of the most recent stable releases of everything related to xorg/mesa. Compiz is configured with: --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-static \ --enable-gconf \ --disable-schemas-install \ --enable-librsvg \ --enable-gtk \ --enable-metacity \ --enable-gnome \ --enable-gnome-keybindings \ --disable-kde \ --disable-kde4 \ --disable-kconfig \ --with-default-plugins=core,glib,gconf,dbus,png,svg,video,screenshot,decoration,clone,place,fade,minimize,move,resize,switcher,scale,plane When I run compiz, nothing happens except the window decorations disappear. What are the requirements for compiz on AIGLX?
Mark Rosenstand
2008-Apr-05 13:25 UTC
[compiz] Required versions and patches for compiz on AIGLX
Oops, forgot to mention that it's launched with this script: export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator --replace & exec /usr/bin/compiz \ --fast-filter \ --indirect-rendering \ --replace