lsearcey wrote:> I started using wine and used it to play return to Castle Wolfenstein which
worked great. I installed Adobe Acrofat 7 Professional and now all of the wines
menus are small and unreadable. Like this:
> [Image: ]
> By lsearcey ( at 2008-03-29
> Any ideas on how to fix this? I tried uninstalling Adobe Acorbat but i
can't read the screens.
> Thank You very much for your help
You might want to look at running the Wine Configuration program,
winecfg by typing, in a terminal session, wine winecfg
This will bring up a dialog box like in your picture. Select the
Graphics tab and move the slider on the bottom to reflect the dots per
inch of your screen. In my case, it is 120 dpi. On other computers it
is 133 dpi and on some older monitors, it is 96dpi. The formula to
determine the value is to measure the actual size of your screen. in
inches, as most screens are measured on the diagonal (bottom left corner
to upper right corner). Divide the number of pixels displayed by the
number of inches. My screen is 8 inches tall and my display is 960
Pixels (dots). The result is 960/8 =120 dpi.
Hope this helps and sorry for the massive technical explanation. If
this does NOT help, please visit the Applications Database (AppDb) and
see if anyone has encountered this problem before and what they tried to
do to fix this particular problem.
James McKenzie