I am trying to install dotnet20 in 0.9.58 with
sh winetricks dotnet20
It hangs after extracting a file with
sh winetricks dotnet20
Using system libcrypto, version 90709F
DLSYM: Failed to resolve FIPS_mode_set: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve FIPS_mode: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve SHA256: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve SHA512: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve EVP_sha224: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve EVP_sha256: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve EVP_sha384: 127
DLSYM: Failed to resolve EVP_sha512: 127
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:ntoskrnl:KeInitializeSpinLock 0x110b60
Setting Windows version to win2k
Executing wine regedit /home/raph/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/set-winver.reg
Executing cp -f /home/raph/.winetrickscache/dotnet20/l_intl.nls
Executing sha1sum --status -c
Executing wine /home/raph/.winetrickscache/dotnet20/dotnetfx.exe
fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP001.TMP\\" 00000000
fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class