> On Oct 13, 2017, at 6:50 AM, y tanaka <marineband2007 at gmail.com>
> Dear mailing list members,
> My question is maybe very basic, but I could not find the solution.
> I would like to do the following things
> 1)
> colnames(V1)[2] <- par$V2[1]
> colnames(V2)[2] <- par$V2[2]
> colnames(V3)[2] <- par$V2[3]
> ...
> colnames(V37)[2] <- par$V2[37]
You are making a basic error in planning your analysis. The items V1-V37 should
be in a list. Then you just do something like this,
bigVlist <- mapply( function(x,y) {colnames(x)[2] <- y}, bigVlist, par$V2)
> 2)
> V1 <- V1[,-1]
> V2 <- V2[,-1]
> V3 <- V3[,-1]
> ...
> V37 <- V37[,-1]
bigVlist <- lapply( bigVlist , function(x) x[ , -1])
> 3)
> ms <- merge(V1,V2)
> ms <- merge(ms,V3)
> ms <- merge(ms,V4)
> ...
> ms <- merge(ms,V37)
ms <- do.call(merge, bigVlist)
If you had provided a sample of items with equivalent structure to your actual
use case we might have been motivated to provide tested code.
> Since these codes take a lot of space in my R console and I am also afraid
> of making any mistakes while typing the codes, I would like to make this
> code simple by using for loop.
> I know that the assign function is useful and another code as follows
> worked well with it:
> for(i in 1:N_var){
> assign(paste("V", i, sep=""),
> }
> However, I could not find how to apply for loop to 1) - 3) above.
> 1)
>> for (i in 1:N_var){
> + assign(colnames(paste("V", i, sep=""))[2],
You cannot embed extraction/indexing functions on the "lefthand side",
i.e. the first argument, of an `assign(` operation.
> + }
> Error in assign(colnames(paste("V", i, sep = ""))[2],
par$V2[i]) :
> invalid first argument
> 2)
>> for(i in 1:N_var){
> assign(paste("V", i, sep=""), paste("V", i,
> }
> Error in paste("V", i, sep = "")[, -1] : incorrect
number of dimensions
> I suppose that it might be important to call object names without quotation
> mark, so
> I tried the noquote function, but it did not change the situation.
> 1)
>> for (i in 1:N_var){
> + assign(colnames(noquote(paste("V", i, sep=""))[2],
> + }
> Error in if (do.NULL) NULL else if (nc > 0L) paste0(prefix, seq_len(nc))
> else character() :
> argument is not interpretable as logical
> 2)
>> for(i in 1:N_var){
> + assign(paste("V", i, sep=""),
noquote(paste("V", i, sep=""))[,-1])
> + }
> Error in unclass(x)[...] : incorrect number of dimensions
> I would appreciate it if someone would help me.
> Best regards,
> Yohei Tanaka
> =========================> Yohei Tanaka
> Tohoku University
> Graduate school of Economics
> Doctoral student
> email: marineband2007 at gmail.com
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'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.'
-Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law