y tanaka
2017-Aug-18 00:37 UTC
[R] "How to convert .Rdata file into .csv or something else?" [SOLVED]
Dear mailing list members, Thank you for all members who gave me advice. This question is solved. I tried to create an object using the load function by analogy based on the read.csv function like this;> d <- load("~/docdis/input/ch2/WV6_Data_R_v_2016_01_01.rdata")but, load function cannot be used in this way. Correct ways are;> load("~/docdis/input/ch2/WV6_Data_R_v_2016_01_01.rdata", verbose = TRUE)#You can find the name of the stored object is "WV6_Data_R" by setting verbose = TRUE Loading objects: .Traceback WV6_Data_R or> ls()[1] "d" "d2" "Howell1" "m4.1_logsigma" "m4.3" [6] "post" "sigma" "WV6_Data_R" Then,> d <- WV6_Data_R # the copy of WV6_Data_R is created in the object dIf you want to create both csv file and an object directly from the file path;> library(R.utils) > saveObject(WV6_Data_R, "~/docdis/input/ch2/WV6_Data_R_v_2016_01_01.csv") > d <- loadObject("~/docdis/input/ch2/WV6_Data_R_v_2016_01_01.csv")Best regards, Yohei Tanaka =========================Yohei Tanaka Tohoku University Graduate school of Economics Doctoral student email: marineband2007 at gmail.com [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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